
Referências Bibliográficas



Referências Bibliográficas

Adler, Nancy J., (1986), International Dimensions of Organizational Behaviour, Boston MA: Kent Publisching Company.

Anderson, L. e G. Hofstede, (1984), The Effectiveness of Expatriates - Report on Feasibility Study, Maastricht: IRIC.

Burger P. e B. Bass, Assessment of Managers: An International Comparison (New York: Free Oress, 1979); J. Fallow's, More Like Us: Making America Great Again (Boston; Houghton-Miffin, 1989), pp.1-2.

Child, J., Culture, contingency and capitalism in the cross-national study of organisations, in I.I. Cummings and B. M. Staw, eds., Research in Organisational Behaviour, Vol. 3 (Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1981), pp. 303-356.

Finuras, Paulo, Recursos Humanos, Cap. 19, A Gestão Internacional de Recursos Humanos, Ed. Silabo, 2ª Edição, 1999.

Fischer, Glen (1988), Mindsets: The Role of Culture and Perception in International Realtions, Yarmouth ME: Intercultural Press.

Furnham, Adrian e Stephen Bochner (1986), Culture Shock: Psychological reactions to Unfamiliar Environments, London: Methuen.

Stewart, J. Black e Medenhall, Mark, Cross-cultural training effectiveness: A review and a theoretical framework for future research, Academy of Management Review, 15, 1 (1990), pp.113-136, e A pratical but theory-based framework for selecting cross-cultural training methods; Human Resource Management, Winter 1989, pp.511-539.

Torbion, Ingemar, (1982), Living Abroad - Personal Adjustment and Personnel Policy in the Overseas setting, John Willey & Sons.

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