Publicações Indispensáveis Revistas e Jornais
Nacionais Semana Informática Info Imagem (Jornal da Gestão Electrónica de Imagens, Documentos e Processos) PC Magazine PC Guia Personal Computer World Redes Digito PC world Computerworld Exame Informática Bit PC Manual - Guia do Computador MacIn-PcIn Valor Exame Digital Cyber Guia - Guia da Internet
Internacionais Solutions Integrator Publish Wired News Journal of the ACM Transactions on Informations Systems Journal of Strategic Information Systems Journal of Information Technology Management Decision Support Systems
Livros (Bestsellers) Developing Bioinformatics Computer Skills By Cynthia Gibas, Per Jambeck, Abril de 2001. The Unfinished Revolution: Human - Centered Computers and What they Can Do for Us By Michael L. Dertouzos, Janeiro de 2001.